ponedjeljak, 19. rujna 2016.

European society in developed and late Middle Ages

European society in developed and late Middle Ages
economic development
- Around 1000. However, contrary to expectations the Day of Judgment, Europe is experiencing economic rise and population growth
- Has improved the processing country (rotational farming, the iron plow, fertilization, from XII.
century, the emergence of new cultures from the East), which enables the production of surplus food:
more food - higher population growth
- Internal colonization in many countries cramps forests and wetlands to dry up
obtain more arable land, this is where the new settlements
- External colonization: the surplus population seeking new land outside the home country,
Germans, but also other nations, mass moving eastward along the Baltic Sea, to Poland,
Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, crusaders hikes also are an example of external colonization
- Due kriţarskih wars, develop and all crafts
- Natural economy gradually replaced monetary, rulers forged money, because of the appearance
production surplus quickens trade, local and international
- The emergence of new cities along the trade routes and the fairgrounds and with aristocratic palaces and Bishop's seat, renewal and growth of old cities from ancient times, in the cities
pouring craftsmen and traders who want rid of serfdom
- Free royal cities: cities that have their own self-government, independent of the
nearby nobility and subordinated directly to the king, the royal gifted by such legal status
because of them reap good tax revenue, and they represent an important and politically support the
compared to unreliable banners
- Inhabitants of cities have personal freedom, but vary by property and Political Rights - patricians and plebeians
- The most important cities in Italy, Rhineland, Champagne, Flanders, the port of the North and Baltic
- Guild - the association of craftsmen of the same profession in one city, each guild has rules for everyone members must comply (price, product quality, etc.), but no one outside of the guild do not
must deal with the respective turnover in the city, the oldest and most important guilds were they
- Guild - similar professional association of retailers
- Great Hansa - Union of German cities, in XIV. century there were 90, Hanza is
had a monopoly of trade in the Baltic and its own army and navy, collapsed
After moving the shop to the Atlantic Ocean in the XV. century
- Banking - develops as a result of three phenomena: there are hundreds of local currency and the need to organize exchange offices with each market and fairground, roads are unsafe because
bandits, it is necessary to introduce a bill (confirmation of money deposited), finished
money is never enough, so the rulers should financiers who will lend
- Borrowing money most were concerned with Jews because their faith is not forbade
charging interest, but on lending were later odvaţile and Christian banking
families like the Medici and Fugger, a bill first introduced the Knights Templar, who
also posuĊivali money
- Taxes are generally converted into cash the tribute, aristocratic titles and knees,
begins is determined on the value of the income which returns

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