četvrtak, 15. rujna 2016.

Kievan Russia, Poland and Karantanija

Poland: Prince Mješko late September. century unites the tribes around the Vistula and creates great
Poland, Boleslav Brave expanding borders and the crown as King of Poland (1025), since 1041. However, Poland, like the Czech before it enters the vassal relationship to the German Empire, the dynasty Piast dynasty, the most important cities in Poznan, Krakow, Przemysl

Kievan Russia: among the Eastern Slavic tribes penetrate the Vikings (Varangians), which
gradually take over the military and state authorities, Varjag Rurik reigned Novgorod 881.god, and his successor Oleg conquered Kiev and made it the center of government for all plemenaokolna tribes in the tenth century, Prince Sviatoslav at war with the Bulgarians and Byzantines, and his sinVladimir begins Christianization of subjects, Kievan Rus survived to XIII. st. when jeosvajaju Mongols

Karantanija: Principality in the eastern Alps (Carinthia), was named after the town of Carentan,ancestors of today's Slovenes that they came in the seventh. st. and established an independent state, from VIII. century, Carantania was under the rule of the Franks, and later falls apart in several provinces,
Slovenian country will be ruled by Czech rulers, and later the Habsburgs

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