nedjelja, 2. listopada 2016.

Great geographical discoveries

Great geographical discoveries
- Europeans are discovering maritime routes to East Asia and the Americas
- Encourage them to jam in the trade of spices and luxury goods, after TurciOsmanlije
achieve control of the Middle East, and enable them to adopt new
maritime skills (caravel, compass, cartography) and discover old geographical
Knowledge (Ptolemy)
- The Portuguese until the end of the XV. century managed to explore the coast of Africa (Diago Cao,
Bartolomeo Dias) and discover the sea route to India (Vasco da Gama, 1498), along the African
coast, in India, Malaysia, and later in Brazil established a foothold through which
sourcing spices, gold and slaves (mostly Africans)
- Spain crown funded the voyages of Christopher Columbus 1492-1500. However,
during which they explored the Caribbean Islands and discovered the New World, that is. America, Spanish
will XVI. Century launch military conquest of Central and South America and create large
overseas empire in Europe will reach new crops and huge quantities
precious metals
- France, England and the newly created state of the Netherlands will be included in the colonial
race later, but it will fail to compensate, while the Spanish and Portuguese spend new
wealth, these three nations conducted a "capital accumulation" and create your own empire in
North America and Southeast Asia
- Consequences: Europeanization of the world, the development and the increasing importance of trade at the expense of the Atlantic
Mediterranean and the Baltic, the development of market relations in Western Europe, new agricultural
Culture (potatoes, corn, beans, tomatoes, cocoa, tobacco, cotton ...)

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