nedjelja, 2. listopada 2016.

Reformation and Catholic renewal

Reformation and Catholic renewal
XVI. st. moral crisis of the Catholic Church - loss of credibility
- Abuse of position and lavish life prelates
- indulgence
- The secular power of the Pope
- The impact of humanism and social change
- Demands for reforms within the Church
Reformation in Germany - Martin Luther
1517 Wittenberg, 95 Theses → pope excommunicated Luther → beginning of the Reformation in Germany
Luther's translation of the Bible into German
supporters of the Reformation (Protestant), there are among all social classes
Evangelical (Lutheran) Church: The Bible is the only source of faith, bogosluţje in the national language, the church a community of members, ideals of simplicity and humility, priestly vocation as a profession, baptism and communion only sacraments, the emphasis on God's grace
Northern Germany, Scandinavia, the Baltics
1524-25. Germany Peasants' War, Thomas Münzer
1555 Peace of Augsburg, "whose country, and his religion"
Calvinism: John Calvin - learning about predestination - attractive citizenship - the Geneva College
- Switzerland, Netherlands, Scotland, France (Calvinist minorities - Huguenots)
Church of England: Henry VIII. - Head of the church in England
Protestantism in Croatia: weak echo of the wars with the Turks
Matthias Flacius
Presbyterian Church - Puritans
Catholic renewal - Counter-Reformation and reform within the Catholic Church
1545-63. Council of Trent: established official church dogma and rules, seven sacraments, the abolition indulgences, the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope
Gregorian Calendar
Jesuit order (Jesuits), founded by them in 1534, Ignacio Loyola - military discipline
goals: education, missionary work, the Counter-Reformation

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