ponedjeljak, 19. rujna 2016.

Hundred Years' War (1337-1453)

Hundred Years' War (1337-1453)
- Initiates a conflict of England and France around the cities of Flanders
- War has had several stages and led with varying success
- The first phase of the war ended in a truce in 1360. However, after the Black Death exhausted both country, the English were able to seize the strongholds along the channel and the province of Aquitaine
- In the second stage (1369-89) the French King Charles V set out to take revenge on the British and
pushed them into a few strongholds along the English Channel
- 1415. Henry V of Lancaster landed and inflicted heavy defeat of the French at Agincourt, and then spread all over the north of France to Paris
- 1429, when it seemed that the French final defeat inevitable, appeared charismatic girl Ivana Arc (Jeane d'Arc) that motivated the French and
there was a reversal in the siege of Orleans, 1431 BurgunĊani caught and handed over to John's
British, they is executed as a witch
- 1436 French exempted Paris, 1450 Normandy, Aquitaine 1453
- Hundred Years' War introduced a new technique of warfare, strong side Englishmen were the scorers with long bows, a French cannon, some historians argue that then appears and
the idea of ​​the nation and the national state
- The final defeat of the English in France contributed to the war of roses (1455-85) civil war
between dynasties York (white roses) and Lancaster (red roses), the war was over the arrival
to the throne of Henry VII. the new Tudor dynasty (he himself was Rocak Lancaster, or
he married Elizabeth of York home), Tudor England to rule arbitrarily and
independent of Parliament
- And in France and in England, in the midst of the Hundred Years War, broke out the great revolt of peasants,
"Ţakerija" (1358 years, Jacques has derogatory term for peasants) and the uprising Wat Tyler

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