utorak, 20. rujna 2016.

Reconquista in Spain

Reconquista in Spain
- Reconquista: Christian re-conquest of the Iberian Peninsula
- Reconquista particular progress in the XI. century warrior nicknamed El Cid, who distinguished himself in more battles will become a Spanish national legend
- To XIII. century formed the Three Kingdoms: Portugal, Castile (the name comes from
castellum, fortifications, the middle part of the peninsula) and Aragon (the eastern part of the peninsula)
- 1469 Aragon and Castile are united in one kingdom as a result of marriage
between Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile (Catholic) - the emergence of Spain
- Princely couple relies on cities to suppress the influence of the nobility, and then
Self-limiting those same cities, the most important ally of the royal couple is
The Church and the Inquisition, which has enormous powers
- Persecution of heretics and violent conversion of the Moors and Jews
- 1492 fall of the last Moorish stronghold Granada, mass persecution of Spanish
Jews and Columbus's discovery of America

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