četvrtak, 15. rujna 2016.

Hungarians (Hungarians)

- Ural tribe of nomads, in the ninth. century settled in the Pannonian Plain
- Go to raids by Germany and among the Slavs, and even fight and with
Byzantium, Hungary attacking Croatia refused the prince (king) Tomislav
- After the defeat at Augsburg (955) stop the raids, receiving
Christianity and switch to a sedentary life in today MaĊarskoj
- 1001. god. Stephen (Istvan) received a royal crown from the pope, the Arpad dynasty
(Named after Stephen's ancestor from the IX. Century, Prince Arpad)
- The Hungarian kingdom present in the whole Pannonian Plain and the Carpathian area,
historical Hungary was not involved only the Hungarian ethnic territory but also Slavs and
Romanians in the Carpathian Mountains

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