četvrtak, 15. rujna 2016.

Normans (Vikings)

- Norseman - northerner, Vikingar - pirate, ancient Scandinavians, in the ninth. century
Scandinavia is becoming crowded, but the Normans, because they were skilled sailors,
beginning to sail to the shores of Europe, sometimes only in raids and sometimes right colonization
- Europeans are experiencing as God's penance, the more so because the Vikings were heathens and
particularly attractive prey they were ecclesiastical goods
- Settled in Britain, Ireland, Iceland and Greenland, in Normandy (France) along the Russian River, and even in southern Italy and Sicily
- Gradually receive Christianity and move to a more peaceful way of life
- Viking soldiers were respected mercenaries, a Viking traders clung to much former international trade
- In the tenth century. rulers of Denmark, Norway and Sweden receive Christianity and those countries become kingdom modeled on those European
- East of England was ruled by the Danes (Danelaw), a Danish King Canute's XI. century ruler of all England
- Norveţani colonized Iceland and Greenland and discovered America (Vinland)
- Old Swedes who settled in Russia (varangians) was founded by the Principality in Novgorod and
- The 911 French King Charles III. Harmless gave a lot of lazy Duke Rolon to lay low Norman - Duchy of Normandy
- In the tenth century the Normans wrested Sicily Arabs

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