srijeda, 14. rujna 2016.

Migrations and the fall of the Western Roman Empire (V ST.)

Migrations and the fall of the Western Roman Empire (V ST.)
German - a group of Indo-European peoples, in the era of Roman civilization live along the border
Roman Empire on the Rhine and Danube, in search of arable land and pastures cut forests
and live semi-nomadic life, the awkward years of dealing with robberies and come in conflict with
Romans and other neighbors, society - warrior democracy
- Vandals, Burgundians, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Lombards, Goths, and so on.
Huns - warlike, nomadic people from Central Asia, their relocation to the West encouraged
the first wave of migration in the IV. and fifth centuries, in the first half. V. century. create a large alliance with tribe
center in Pannonia, the pinnacle of power in the time of Attila the Hun, Hun penetration of the West stopped rimskogermanska
Army 451 years. in the battle to Mauricijakovu field in Gaul, ruin Hun Alliance
FRACTURE Western Roman Empire
- A division of the Empire by Theodosius spent 395 years. was the final
- Western Empire was economically weaker and less often inhabited, but will fail to overcome crisis

- Western emperors buy peace with the Germans so they share the land as foederati
(Allies), east emperors do so to a lesser extent (they allow large reserves
gold), Roman emperors depend on the arbitrary will of the Germanic mercenaries vojskovoĊa
- Rome was robbed twice (410. Visigoths, Vandals 455), becoming the capital of Ravenna
- To the middle of the fifth century. under nominal (in name only) rule of the Roman Emperor remains only
Italy, a real power he has only in Rome, Ravenna, and some other towns
- 476 West Empire and officially ceased to exist, vojskovoĊa Odoacer deposed the
Romulus Augustulus and declared himself king of Italy
Visigoths - Visigoths, in the fourth. st. living along the Black Sea, when the Huns conquered east
Goths (Ostrogoths), relocated to the territory of the Roman Empire in Moesia and Thrace, 378th
were heavily defeated by the Romans at Hadrijanopola king Alaric took them in raids
in Italy, 410. occupied Rome, go further west and established the state in Hispania, has survived
to VIII. st. When the Arabs conquered
Ostrogoths - after the collapse of Huns "state", robbery Balkan province of eastern
Roman Empire, at the urging of Zenon 488. headed to Italy, King Theodoric defeated
Odoacar and created the Goths, the State, which includes, along with Italy and Illyria, survived for about half
century, until Justinian conquests
Vandals - the state in today's Tunisia, 455 robberies Rome (hence the term
"Vandalism"), a Member of vandalism destroyed is also Emperor Justinian
France - after the Battle of Mauricijakovu field, as foederati given the right to settle
northern Gaul, the king Clovis converted to Christianity, and the Eastern Roman Empire
recognizes the Member Franconia, Clovis and the Frankish aristocracy shared power, ie.
landed, with galorimskom aristocracy and the Church, the Merovingian dynasty
England, SASI I JITI- after the withdrawal of the Romans from Britain, Denmark and northern
German coming Angles, Saxons and Jiti, Anglo-Saxon kingdom yet to be fully united in
today's England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales comes to Celtic Revival
(In all barbarous countries there is a double legal system: Roman law, which applies
for indigenous and Germanic customary law that applies to immigrants.)

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