srijeda, 14. rujna 2016.

Of Franconia, Merovingian era (V-VIII c.), The Carolingian (VIII-X c.)

Of Franconia

Merovingian era (V-VIII c.)

- Dynasty was named after Merovee, the legendary king who is in the fifth century. led Franke
- Franks in Gaul called Salijski Franks, besides them there are Frankish tribes in
today, the Netherlands and Germany (Ripuarian and east Franks)
- King Clovis (476-511), Merovejev grandson, was officially accepted Roman Christianity, ie.
Christianity from the dogmas accepted at the Council of Nicaea 325. However, most of the Germans
then professed Arianism, a Christian doctrine that was considered heresy
- Crowned the 481 years. and then founded Franconia The Member (until then the Franks were only
foederati in the territory of the Western Roman Empire)
- As the nominal owner of all the land in the kingdom, distributed by the Frankish warriors
and loyal galorimskim patricians and the Church
- A warm personal relationship with the Church of Rome and the Eastern Empire, managed to
expand the authority on Burgundy (marriage with the Burgundian princess) and southern Gaul (victory
of the Visigoths), after his death the royal power weak - for the most
partly wrong Frankish law of succession
- Frankish law of succession: the country is divided in equal shares to all children, including
kingdom, because often there are conflicts between the King (eldest son) and his
brothers, who held the same large territory and do not want to admit the king's supreme authority, the same
applies to the estates of the Frankish nobility
- Franconia is usually divided into four parts: Austrasia, Neustria, Burgundy and
Aquitaine, nominal king ruled the northeastern province of Austrasia
- Majordomo: royal governors, are gradually becoming true masters of Franconia and seek
establish a stronger central government
- Charles Martel, the majordomo of the Frankish kingdom 714-741, has the real power in the state,
After the death of Theodoric IV, penultimate Merovingian, Carlo Government itself, 732 years.
stopped the Moors (Arabs who ruled Spain) at Poitiers, as it is
enable the centralization of power and sharing lazy meritorious warriors (land
sharing took the Church)
- On the throne will tighten Charles descendants - the Carolingian dynasty

The Carolingian (VIII-X c.)
Pepin the Short - Charles's son, wants to be crowned king, but he should be legal legitimacy because right
the throne has Childeric III. from families Merovingian

- Pope Zacharia requested from him protection because the papacy then dispersed with Byzantium around
question icon, and Rome are hampered Lombards (a Germanic people who created the state in
Italy in July. c.), Pepin defeated the Lombards and gave the pope of the Roman administration and the ducat

Exarchate - the core of the Papal State
751 with the pope's blessing, Pepin was anointed as king of the Franks at Reims
(Later the Pope's right to appoint kings prove "Constantine grant"
forgery-made for this purpose)

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