četvrtak, 15. rujna 2016.


Slavs - ethno-linguistic groups, in ancient times are still called Venda or Antima, originally
called themselves Slovjenima, homeland them is probably in the Carpathians (today
Ukraine and Poland), after the migration of Germans, in July. century a great move
Slavic tribes, a part of them remain in the homeland, part goes to the west and east, and part of the
Avars goes south to the Byzantine Empire, today the Slavic nations, according to Language Key, divided into West, East and South
- Slavs marched in various tribal alliances and mingled with other nations like
Ostrogoths, Avars, Bulgars, Vikings, etc. - Hence the uncertainty over the national title and
ethnogenesis of particular peoples Slavic groups
- In the first half of VII. century, the Slavs in Pannonia are liberating themselves from the Avars and established Sam's tribal alliance, after Sam's death, the 658th again came under the rule of the Avars
- Some Slavic tribes (among them and Croats) are moved to the Byzantine territory and
became Byzantine allies, emperors permit them to set up a self-governing Principality
commonly referred to as "Slavs"
- At the end of August. century, Charlemagne destroyed the Avars and Slavs underwent the secondary
Europe Franconia sovereignty, at the time of the dissolution of the Carolingian Empire, there will also
arise independent Principality
- Among the Slavs are Christian missionaries spread the Western and Eastern churches, in some
Slavic countries there was a rivalry between the Western and Byzantine influences
- 60s and 70s IX. century, Constantine (later called Cyril) and Methodius, brothers from
Thessaloniki act as missionaries in Great Moravia, on the orders of the Byzantine Empire, and after the departure of in Rome, and obtained permission from the Pope, created the Slavic bogosluţje, letter
Glagolitic and translations of some church work in the Slavic language ( "Slavonic" or
"Church Slavonic", according to a standardized dialect of the Macedonian Slavs, however, in
This time it was understood by all Slavs because their languages ​​were mutually closer than today)
- Pupils of Cyril and Methodius, which the Germans were later expelled from Moravia found refuge
Croatia and Bulgaria Empire
- Kliment Ohridski later compiled simplified Slavic Letters Greece alphabet - Cyrillic (called out by Cyril)
- Attitude towards the Roman Church "Glagolitic" was variable

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