srijeda, 21. rujna 2016.

The Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire
- Becomes a superpower of the Balkans and the Middle East in the time of Mehmed II. Conqueror (1451-1481)
who moved the capital from Istanbul and continued conquest of the Balkans (remains
Serbia and Greece, Bosnia, Albania)
- At the height of its power in the XVI. century, Sultan Selim took the 1517 title Caliph (supreme
religious and secular ruler of the Islamic world), having won the Middle East

- Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566), the Turks called him and Sulejman legislator for a number of reforms, he arranged and centralized management in a vast empire that stretched from Baghdad to Buda, won the Slavonia and much of Hungary and started to march toward Vienna on he died
- State: theocratic empire - the Caliphate, the Sultan has absolute secular and religious authority,
The position of the administration and the army is based on a merit and not hereditary, subjects
non-Islamic religions are tolerated, or pay a higher tax rate (tribute)

- Administrative divisions: Eyalet (later pašaluk, country or larger region governor called
beylerbey or grazing) - Sanjak (province, governor called sandţakbeg) - kadiluk
(Manager - kadi, judge) - nahija (municipality)
- The organization of society, all the earth in theory belongs to the Sultan, landowners, sultan soldiers receive as a prize piece of land to lifelong enjoyment of (landed estates, timar), Timar is not allowed to transfer the inheritance, but returns to the Sultan that he be granted any Spahija or clerk , the country processed paradise, peasants bound to the land, rural property, čitluk is hereditary and obligations of peasants against the Sultan and landowners are clearly defined by law, the position was then rather favorable position of the European serfs, converts to Islam have the opportunity to progress in state services

- Army: Janissaries - the elite determined by pedestrians, professional soldiers, money to "tax in blood", landowners - horsemen, the core of the Ottoman army composed of petty feudal lords,
additional ordered, akindţije (storm troopers) and martolosi (crew fortifications and border guards)

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