srijeda, 21. rujna 2016.


The development of culture in the High Middle Ages, followed by social development. Crucial is the rise citizenship.
- Be provided for priests, lower education is learning the basics of Latin
language, reading and writing and basic mathematical operations, followed by trivium
(Grammar, rhetoric and dialectic) and quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music and
Astronomy), few who would be passed could have to study theology, philosophy and
Roman law
- XII. Century established and secular schools in the cities, where as traders learn
read, write and count
- Universities: there is a need for institutions of higher education to be used
to study theology, jurisprudence and medicine, the first university was founded in 1088. in
Bologna, in the XII. century founded the University of Paris and Oxford, and to XIV. century
Universities are getting all the more important European cities, education is everywhere was in Latin
- Scholasticism: medieval philosophy tasked interpretation of Plato and
Aristotle's works in the Christian spirit, reaches climax in XIII. century in the works
Thomas Aquinas
- Natural Sciences: could not be free to develop until the age of humanism and
Renaissance because the Church defended the methods of observation and experiment, all medieval
Science is based on the study and interpretation of authority (works of Hellenistic
scientists like Ptolemy and Galen and the Church Fathers, like St.. Augustine), the first
publicly stated a request for conducting experimental methods Roger Bacon, English
Franciscan from XII. century
Romanesque: artistic style XI. and XII. century, modeled on the ancient and Carolingian
art, spread from France to the whole of Europe, massive stone graĊevine thick
walls and pillars and small arched windows, decorative sculpture and painting, except
Christ and the saints, starting with the run and portraits of rulers
Gothic: the artistic style of the end of December. century to the XV. century, called the "Gothic style"
of his contemporaries who looked barbaric, gradually extending from the vicinity of Paris, on the whole Europe, High graĊevine, particularly the cathedral, with many statues, pillars, stained glass, rose and many narrow windows with pointed arches, except religious graĊevina, all over the city
palaces, the emergence of perspective in painting
Medieval Literature from XI. st. begins to write and about mundane topics, and not
only in Latin but also in national languages, troubadour poetry (produced in Provence,
motives platonic love and chivalry), epics (poem): The Song of Roland, the Song of El
Cidu novel: long epic of knights ventures, popular characters from legends
like King Arthur, Tristan and Isolde, Lancelot, Parsifal and heroes of the Trojan War and
Alexander the Great transferred in late medieval ambience, liturgical drama
Humanism: the worldview and cultural movement whose starting point is the Italian city culture
XIV. century, the central theme is man and his position in the world, the model of the ancient writers,
big three humanism - Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, question the old values,
humanists XVI. st. Erasmus, Thomas More, Paracelsus
Renaissance: Art XV style. and XVI. century, called "revival" is meant the restoration
antiquity, the origin is also Italy, characteristics of style are simplicity, harmony and presentation
ideal beauty, Michelangelo, Donatello, Titian, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci
Printing: the key invention of the epoch, Gutenberg invented the mid XV. st. printing machine with
movable letters, books will become cheaper and more accessible

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