srijeda, 14. rujna 2016.

VIII. century and IX. century

VIII. century - the time of religious conflict, which will again weaken the empire and further away
Patriarchate of Constantinople of the Roman Pope
- The cult of icons (sacred images) - appear to be religious currents that are considered worship icons
idolatry, iconodules (worship icons) and iconoclasts (destroying icons)
- Cult icons corresponding to the part of the clergy who at that collects revenue, since they are
secular and spiritual in Byzantium intertwined iconodules and iconoclasts are also political
- 730. Emperor Leo (The Lion) III. prohibited the veneration of icons
- 843 on the church council sentenced the iconoclasts and established a cult icon
- Pope condemned both end position on the icon
IX. century - the time of recovery of the Empire, from 867 at the government's Basil I (the Macedonian
- In the ninth. century begins feudalism Byzantium: landowners and church converted
free peasants into serfs (parike)
- Byzantine feudalism will be given final shape in the XI. st. when it introduces a system of sharing
lena (Pronija) deserving nobility

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