srijeda, 14. rujna 2016.


Arabian Peninsula (Arabia): desert climate, the intersection of trade routes (the Mediterranean,
Indian Ocean), the Arab tribes living a nomadic life as a whole, have cattle,
trafficking and robbery, are often tribal wars and there is no political unity
Prophet Muhammad (the first half. VII. C.) - The idea of ​​religious and political unity of the Arabs
- Preaching a new religion jednoboţaĉku (Allah = God, Islam = submission to God), compound
Jewish and Christian beliefs with the Arab customary law
- Hidţra (eviction) - 622. Muhammad against opponents had to flee the city of Mecca,
where was located the sanctuary of Kaaba, took refuge in the oasis Jatrib, which will later arise city
Medina, the center of the spread of the new faith and a single Arab country
- Islam is appealing to all social classes because guarantees the stability of society
- Five basic rules of Islam: regular prayer, regular feasts during the year
(Eg. Ramadan fast), HADT (pilgrimage to Mecca), helping the poor, dţihad (holy
War can be interpreted in general, as a struggle between good and evil, but as a war against infidels)
- Koran - the holy book, which is written after the death of Muhammad's learning
- Muhammad to the end of life managed to expand Islam in the entire Arabia
- Caliph - a religious leader whom inspires prophets spirit
- Secular and spiritual power are inseparable
Caliph Omar, the second successor of Muhammad (mid VII. St.) Commence upon successful conquest wars against the Byzantine and Persian Empire, occupying much of the Middle East
- The two exhausted empires are long-term mutual fighting, Arabs in favor
invincible fast cavalry and high motivation to fight (religious duty, but also the rich
prey, which is justly divides the winners)
- Conquered nations rarely rebel against authority Arabs because they reduce the tax burden and
offer the option of converting to Islam, which means even less tax and the possibility of
advancement in society (all Muslims, according to Muhammad's teachings, without equal
account of the constant and race, is progressing according to merit and not according to origin), those who wish not to keep the old faith Arab Caliphate (Empire) in August. st. dynasty Umayyad times reaches the widest range of Northern India and the mountain ranges of Central Asia through Iran, the Middle East and North Africa to Spain, the capital of Damascus, the Arabs controlled by almost all
717. unsuccessful siege of Constantinople - stopped penetration at the expense of Byzantium
732. Battle of Poitiers - Charles Martel stopped the penetration through the Pyrenees in Franconia
751 Arabs were stopped at the border of China
IX. Century - Arabs conquer Sicily and southern Italy
Causes of: empire is too large for effective central government, the Arab aristocracy
will become Omrčen for their privileges and luxuries, but they appear local dynasty
a convert to Islam
Religious schism: poke - except the Koran, accepted as the scriptures and works created
later, and are attributed to Mohammed, considered that the faithful should govern elected leaders
Shiites - orthodox currents, as a source of faith, accepting only the Koran and the power entrusted
Imams, descendants of Muhammad's son-Ali
The disintegration of the Caliphate: Baghdad Caliphate (created by the Arab-Iranian dynasty Abbasid)
Cordoba Caliphate (Spain and North Africa, there were sheltering descendants Umayyad times)
later the Caliphate of Córdoba disintegrated into several smaller emirates in North Africa and
Spain, and in XIII. century Mongols destroyed Baghdad Caliphate, occurs Member
Fatimid (descendants Abbasid) based in Egypt
The Arab-Islamic culture - created as a combination of Persian and Hellenistic-Byzantine culture
- Arabic language and alphabet - link the Islamic world
- Islamic civilization was the agent not only in trade but also in cultural and
scientific achievements between the Mediterranean and Europe as well as India and the Far East
- Europeans from the Arabs took over Indian numbers, some works of Plato and Aristotle and
medical knowledge (Ibn Sin - Avicenna)
- Developed mathematics, astronomy, pharmacology, philosophy (Plato and Aristotle
adapted Islam), jurisprudence (interpretation of the Koran)
- GraĊevine recognizable style
- First Mosque Temple of the Rock in Jerusalem
- In Islam should not be displayed God's character (but not desirable is not human)
- Stories Thousand and One Nights

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