nedjelja, 2. listopada 2016.

Reformation, Catholic renewal and religious wars

Reformation, Catholic renewal and religious wars
- In the XVI. century, the Catholic Church resorted to a great moral crisis: were sold
pardon of sin and church position (indulgence and simony), high priests
Lived "the high life", the Pope had a huge temporal power and acted like
secular rulers, while the printing press, social change and humanistic ideas
favored appears critic who demanded reform
- German monk Martin Luther was sufficiently assertive in demanding reforms (95
vitenberških thesis, 1518) to exclude from the Pope of the Catholic Church and to win over many
German princes - so was the Protestant Church in Germany (Simplified
ceremonies, the national language in bogosluţju, priestly vocation becomes profession and church
a community of members, the emphasis is on God's grace, a baptism and communion
only the sacraments)
- King Henry VIII. for personal and political reasons, decided to take advantage of this situation
to create their own, national church - the Anglican Church
- Western European citizenship tends saving and modest life followed the
reformer John Calvin and adopted the doctrine of predestination and honor and
consistently performing mundane tasks - Calvinists and Puritans
- There are also supporters of baptism and other smaller sects (sect), which attracted social
Messages about "the kingdom of God on earth"
- The Catholic Church had to accept the inner renewal and strengthen their own ranks against
such apostasy, that he did Pope Gregory XIII. and his successors to
Council of Trent (1545-63), established the official church dogma and rules, seven
the sacraments and the doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope, was abolished trade indulgence and
introduced an improved calendar (Gregorian)
- Ignacio Loyola founded within the Catholic Church a new religious order - Societas Jesu
(Jesuits or the Jesuits), dedicated to spreading the Catholic Education, and the Counter-Reformation
missionary work among the unbaptized natives around the world
- All this was accompanied by wars between rulers of different faiths and
the persecution of other religion: Calvinist part of the Netherlands seceded from the Spanish crown,
English rulers persecuted Catholics and Puritans, in France, in several waves
persecution almost exterminated Huguenots (Calvinists), final religious peace in Germany
performed only after the Thirty Years' War (1618-48), in which the population
Germany almost halved
- Loyal to the Catholic Church remained Spain, Italy, France, the Hapsburg possessions in
Germany and Central Europe, Poland, Ireland, Latin America, and there are also some Catholic
minorities in Protestant countries
- Luther evangelism is rooted in northern Germany and Scandinavia
- Calvinism, in its original form or Presbyterian, has held in Switzerland,
The Netherlands and Scotland, and in some places in Hungary and Poland

Great geographical discoveries

Great geographical discoveries
- Europeans are discovering maritime routes to East Asia and the Americas
- Encourage them to jam in the trade of spices and luxury goods, after TurciOsmanlije
achieve control of the Middle East, and enable them to adopt new
maritime skills (caravel, compass, cartography) and discover old geographical
Knowledge (Ptolemy)
- The Portuguese until the end of the XV. century managed to explore the coast of Africa (Diago Cao,
Bartolomeo Dias) and discover the sea route to India (Vasco da Gama, 1498), along the African
coast, in India, Malaysia, and later in Brazil established a foothold through which
sourcing spices, gold and slaves (mostly Africans)
- Spain crown funded the voyages of Christopher Columbus 1492-1500. However,
during which they explored the Caribbean Islands and discovered the New World, that is. America, Spanish
will XVI. Century launch military conquest of Central and South America and create large
overseas empire in Europe will reach new crops and huge quantities
precious metals
- France, England and the newly created state of the Netherlands will be included in the colonial
race later, but it will fail to compensate, while the Spanish and Portuguese spend new
wealth, these three nations conducted a "capital accumulation" and create your own empire in
North America and Southeast Asia
- Consequences: Europeanization of the world, the development and the increasing importance of trade at the expense of the Atlantic
Mediterranean and the Baltic, the development of market relations in Western Europe, new agricultural
Culture (potatoes, corn, beans, tomatoes, cocoa, tobacco, cotton ...)

Great geographical explorations

Great geographical explorations
XV. and XVI. st. maritime development - development of the compass, maps (Ptolemaic maps, Portolano)
ship (caravel)
Boost geographical discoveries: soliciting maritime times from Europe to India and China (mainland is under way the control of the Ottoman Turks)
Spain (Castilla) and Portugal - Atlantic orientation, sturdy structure of the state, will be developed into a leading naval force
PORTUGAL RESEARCH - ideas oplovljivanja Africa
beginning XV. st. Henry the Navigator - Research African coast
1487 Bartolomeo Diaz - Cape of Good Hope
1498 Vasco da Gama - circumnavigated Africa and reached India
1500. Cabral discovered Brazil
Portuguese empire - strongholds along the coast, worm. Sea (Aden), Perz. Bay (Ormuz), India (Goa),
China (Macau), Ceylon, the Moluccas, Brazil
SPAIN RESEARCH - Columbus idea Westway
In 1492 the first expedition of Christopher Columbus - reveals Cuba and Haiti (Hispaniola)
1493 - 1500 three expeditions to the New World - researched Caribbean pool
1494 agreement in Tordesillas - segregation port. and sleep. land
Amerigo Vespucci, Martin Waldseemüler
N. Vasco de Balboa - reveals Isthmus of Panama and South (Pacific) Ocean
1519 - 22. Fernando Magellan expedition - proof that the Earth is round
Spanish empire - from 1511 conquest and colonization of Central and South America
Spain - the leading force XVI. st.
Hernan Cortés conquers Mexico, Francisco Pizarro Peru
France, the Netherlands and Britain are included in the colonial race - exploration of North America,
Pacific and Far East
Francis Drake - 1577-80. second trip around the world
James Cook - 70-year XVIII. st - explores Pacific, Australia and Antarctica
The first time of European expansion and colonial empires - the expansion of the European population, language,
culture and Christianity on the other continents
2nd Atlantic Ocean - a new center of world trade - the deterioration of Mediterranean cities and Hanze
3. "price revolution"
4. Developing manufactures, banking and capitalism (new market - higher demand for craft.
5. New crops: corn, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumber, cocoa, cotton, tobacco,
turkey ...

Reformation and Catholic renewal

Reformation and Catholic renewal
XVI. st. moral crisis of the Catholic Church - loss of credibility
- Abuse of position and lavish life prelates
- indulgence
- The secular power of the Pope
- The impact of humanism and social change
- Demands for reforms within the Church
Reformation in Germany - Martin Luther
1517 Wittenberg, 95 Theses → pope excommunicated Luther → beginning of the Reformation in Germany
Luther's translation of the Bible into German
supporters of the Reformation (Protestant), there are among all social classes
Evangelical (Lutheran) Church: The Bible is the only source of faith, bogosluţje in the national language, the church a community of members, ideals of simplicity and humility, priestly vocation as a profession, baptism and communion only sacraments, the emphasis on God's grace
Northern Germany, Scandinavia, the Baltics
1524-25. Germany Peasants' War, Thomas Münzer
1555 Peace of Augsburg, "whose country, and his religion"
Calvinism: John Calvin - learning about predestination - attractive citizenship - the Geneva College
- Switzerland, Netherlands, Scotland, France (Calvinist minorities - Huguenots)
Church of England: Henry VIII. - Head of the church in England
Protestantism in Croatia: weak echo of the wars with the Turks
Matthias Flacius
Presbyterian Church - Puritans
Catholic renewal - Counter-Reformation and reform within the Catholic Church
1545-63. Council of Trent: established official church dogma and rules, seven sacraments, the abolition indulgences, the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope
Gregorian Calendar
Jesuit order (Jesuits), founded by them in 1534, Ignacio Loyola - military discipline
goals: education, missionary work, the Counter-Reformation

srijeda, 21. rujna 2016.


 The emergence of the city in the 7th century by refugees from the destroyed Epidaurus established a settlement
Ragusinum on a nearby islet, in their neighborhood, on the banks of Croat-Slavs founded
a village Dubrava, these two settlements will gradually become a city, land and small islands are connected
at the end of the 11th century (in place of the embankment today is Stradun)
Economy: due to lack of fertile land, the population is beginning oriented
maritime and trade, in regretting bought ore and livestock, and from overseas luxury
goods, produced the salt, which was in charge, and until the 15th century. Dubrovnik is traded and
slaves, Dubrovnik navy mentioned in the 12th century
The structure of the state:
- Communitas Ragusina (Commune of Dubrovnik) is until the 13th century. formally ruled Byzantium, however the real power with local dignitaries and local prince
- In the 13th and 14th centuries. Dubrovnik acknowledged the supremacy of the Venetians, which somewhat narrows Government and ask his Prince of Dubrovnik
- Since 1358, ie. of the Peace of Zadar, commune under the supreme authority of the Hungarian-Croatian
kings, which allows Dubrovnik independent development and meet only
annual tribute
- Since 1441. Dubrovnik is called a republic, it is an independent city republics, which will
redeemed own freedom by making the XVI. st. the Ottomans and the Habsburgs
to pay tribute to them alone
- Authorities - Great Council (legislature), the Small Council (executive), the Council
Senate (confirming the decision and has the highest authority), prince (elected for a month)
- Of Dubrovnik in the 14th and 15th centuries. bought the surrounding territory, from the isthmus to the Bay, including the Peninsula and the islands of Lastovo and Mljet
 Had developed diplomacy and established a good cooperation with the rulers of Bosnia,
Serbia and later the Ottoman Empire, they had a trading colony across the Balkans, to Bulgaria Culture - developed activity Dominicans and Franciscans, the library and the monastery school, descendants richer layers are educated in different European universities, in the 15th century. city got plumbing (Onofrio de la Cava), the building already earthquake 1667, mainly not preserved, Orlando's Column (erected in times Ţigmunda Luxembourg)


Country Bosnia was first mentioned in the tenth century, sparsely populated and relatively isolated mountainous country along the upper course of the eponymous river (today's Central Bosnia), tribal relations and paganism have long lingered.
XII. century - Bosnia accepts the supremacy of the Hungarian kings, are installed as
governors domestic bans
- The end of the XI. century established the Catholic Diocese of Dalmatia penetrate Qatari influence, bogosluţje is the national language, at the time of Ban Kulin Bosnia will get their own state church, which is independent and of Rome and of Constantinople - Christians
Kulin (1180-1204) - expanded the boundaries of Bosnia, the government as a de facto independent ruler,
a commercial agreement with Dubrovnik ban Matej Ninoslav (1233-1250) - completely independent of Hungary

Bosnian Church - takes elements of the dualistic view, but is not opposed to secular power, at the head of the Church is the prelate who is called "grandfather", senior clergy called the "guests", nor "old men", in XIV. century the influence of the Bosnian Church gives way to the Roman Catholic Church, Dynasty Kotromanić-Tvrtković will be of the Catholic faith
End XIII. century - Subic authorities over Bosnia, Ban Mladen And, brother Paul Subic, was killed in 1304. However, Mladen II. (Paul's son) left to the local authorities dynasty Kotromanić
Kotromanics: Stephen I (1312-22), Stephen II. (1322-1353)
Tvrtko I (Ban 1353-1377, king from 1377 to 1391) - used the chaos in Serbia to expand its authority
to the east and southeast, won Hum (mean Herzegovina), Travuniju (east
Herzegovina) and Raska (Sandzak), proclaimed himself king "of Bosnia and Serbs", at the time of protudvorskog movement in Croatia and Hungary, the company occupies the Dalmatian islands of Brac, Hvar, Korcula and Vis, and added the title of "King of Croatian, Dalmatia and Primorje" after his death because of the bad state of feudal anarchy

The most important nobles: Hrvoje Vukčić, Duke with holdings in western Bosnia and
Croatia, Prince Sandalj Hranić, aristocrat in today Herzegovina, Paul Radinovic,
Eastern Bosnia (the Bosnian king power was reduced to its original territory in central Bosnia)
Hikes Ţigmunda Luxembourg (1394, 1405, 1409, 1415) in Bosnia: the death of number
Bosnian nobility and pogroms "Patara"
Turkish conquest: the Ottomans begins to interfere in Bosnia's opportunities after the death of King and Company, by helping some nobles (eg. Duke Hrvoje), 1463. "Bosnia fall in a whisper"
-Turci Without much resistance occupy the royal stronghold of Bobovac, Sutjeska and key, the last king Stjepan Tomasevic was executed
Herzegovina: Duke Stephen continued to rule their lands and after the Turkish conquest of central Bosnia, his state is starting to be known as Herzegovina, the Turks will take only 1482 years.

- And the Catholic and the Orthodox Church (Serbian) will try to baptize Bosnian Christians,
the latter with less success
- In the XIV. century in Bosnia come mendicants - Franciscans and Dominicans
- The most common letter is Bosančić - Bosnian version of the Cyrillic alphabet, is used and the Latin language of the letter, and in Hum and the Glagolitic
- Construction is stylistically close to the Dalmatian, are preserved parts of the churches that were built
Dalmatian masters
- The most important cities in Kraljeva Sutjeska, Bobovac, Egg, key
- Tombstones: tombstones of medieval Bosnia and southern Dalmatia, decorated
reliefs, long thought to have belonged to the Bosnian Christians, however, such
Monuments are you asking rich cattleman, regardless of religion (Patarenism, Catholic
or Orthodox)


The development of culture in the High Middle Ages, followed by social development. Crucial is the rise citizenship.
- Be provided for priests, lower education is learning the basics of Latin
language, reading and writing and basic mathematical operations, followed by trivium
(Grammar, rhetoric and dialectic) and quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music and
Astronomy), few who would be passed could have to study theology, philosophy and
Roman law
- XII. Century established and secular schools in the cities, where as traders learn
read, write and count
- Universities: there is a need for institutions of higher education to be used
to study theology, jurisprudence and medicine, the first university was founded in 1088. in
Bologna, in the XII. century founded the University of Paris and Oxford, and to XIV. century
Universities are getting all the more important European cities, education is everywhere was in Latin
- Scholasticism: medieval philosophy tasked interpretation of Plato and
Aristotle's works in the Christian spirit, reaches climax in XIII. century in the works
Thomas Aquinas
- Natural Sciences: could not be free to develop until the age of humanism and
Renaissance because the Church defended the methods of observation and experiment, all medieval
Science is based on the study and interpretation of authority (works of Hellenistic
scientists like Ptolemy and Galen and the Church Fathers, like St.. Augustine), the first
publicly stated a request for conducting experimental methods Roger Bacon, English
Franciscan from XII. century
Romanesque: artistic style XI. and XII. century, modeled on the ancient and Carolingian
art, spread from France to the whole of Europe, massive stone graĊevine thick
walls and pillars and small arched windows, decorative sculpture and painting, except
Christ and the saints, starting with the run and portraits of rulers
Gothic: the artistic style of the end of December. century to the XV. century, called the "Gothic style"
of his contemporaries who looked barbaric, gradually extending from the vicinity of Paris, on the whole Europe, High graĊevine, particularly the cathedral, with many statues, pillars, stained glass, rose and many narrow windows with pointed arches, except religious graĊevina, all over the city
palaces, the emergence of perspective in painting
Medieval Literature from XI. st. begins to write and about mundane topics, and not
only in Latin but also in national languages, troubadour poetry (produced in Provence,
motives platonic love and chivalry), epics (poem): The Song of Roland, the Song of El
Cidu novel: long epic of knights ventures, popular characters from legends
like King Arthur, Tristan and Isolde, Lancelot, Parsifal and heroes of the Trojan War and
Alexander the Great transferred in late medieval ambience, liturgical drama
Humanism: the worldview and cultural movement whose starting point is the Italian city culture
XIV. century, the central theme is man and his position in the world, the model of the ancient writers,
big three humanism - Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, question the old values,
humanists XVI. st. Erasmus, Thomas More, Paracelsus
Renaissance: Art XV style. and XVI. century, called "revival" is meant the restoration
antiquity, the origin is also Italy, characteristics of style are simplicity, harmony and presentation
ideal beauty, Michelangelo, Donatello, Titian, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci
Printing: the key invention of the epoch, Gutenberg invented the mid XV. st. printing machine with
movable letters, books will become cheaper and more accessible